Monday, September 30, 2019
Youth Today
Delivered by Barbara Streibl and Fatih Oezcan, Ban All Nukes generation Ambassador Cabactulan, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen Today at this historic NPT conference more youth are present than ever before. We came from all over the world to this year's Review Conference with a great notion of hope. This is a message we want to spread and gain momentum. We believe it is crucial that this positive and enthusiastic atmosphere will be maintained and transformed into a positive outcome. At this Conference we discuss disarmament, defence, deterrence, non-proliferation, sovereignty, security doctrines, technical issues and more. The main reason we pursue these negotiations is our common objective of security. At the heart of this security, which our governments work so hard to protect, is something even more important: life. We must ask ourselves: How can we best preserve and protect all life on this planet? What do we need to ensure the true fulfilment of the human rights our governments have committed themselves to? We would like to give you an impression of what we are talking about when we talk about life. Life is what matters. Our families and friends should be our motivation to abolish a weapon that could destroy their lives. We asked young people from around the world what they love in their lives. Today we have the pleasure to present you some of their answers. I love going to my football academy and scoring goals, I love my family and having dinner with them, and many more things ââ¬â Ishaan Jha, 15 years from India I love my family. No matter what happens, they love me for nothing and I feel a special bond between us. I love them as well as I thank them. ââ¬â Sumi Iyo, 25 years from Japan I love to cut, to glue and to draw. I love making things for my mum. ââ¬â Gianna Sauer, 4 years from Germany What type of security do we need, to ensure the ultimate aim: preserving life? We know the question of security is difficult, there is a multitude of factors to consider; however, one thing is clear: nuclear weapons are not the answer to our problems. Their indiscriminate nature goes against the progress that has been made in the implementation of international human rights over the course of the previous century. All people are entitled to the right to life, and no nation can define others as unworthy of this right. By maintaining nuclear weapons, states have the ability to indiscriminately kill whole populations of peoples and render the environment uninhabitable for generations to come. In signing the UN Charter, states committed themselves ââ¬Å"to promote the establishment and maintenance of international peace and security with the least diversion for armaments of the world's human and economic resourcesâ⬠. Nuclear weapons provide none of this. Today, the money, technology and human intelligence that is being devoted to these instruments of death, could instead be devoted to the preservation of life. With other, more viable alternatives we don't see any need for any country in this world to maintain nuclear arsenals, to stick to nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants, to invest in arms and create toxic, radioactive waste, targets for terrorists and increase the risk of proliferation. A safer world and one without nuclear weapons must Civil Society Presentationsââ¬â2010 NPT Review Conferenceââ¬âYouth eflect the principles of ââ¬Å"our common futureâ⬠and ââ¬Å"our shared securityâ⬠, a security that benefits every human being. Governments need to invest in human security by ensuring enough clean drinking water, sufficient food and access to necessary medical care. The world I want to live in is a world in which the countries of the global north will look at those of the global south as friends and partners who are deserving help. We need to gain mutual benefit and work together removing all that threats future generations. In the very least it is the kind of world I want my children to inherit. ââ¬â Agyeno Ehase, 27 years from Nigeria As human beings we have the ability to be creative, so letââ¬â¢s not use our ability to destroy the world. Suzy Elwakeel, 26 years from Sudan ââ¬Å"Save the earth, itââ¬â¢s our only source of chocolate! â⬠It's a quote which can seem trivial, but it's true! We always speak about petrol which is running out, but we don't mind about what will be of us when many little things which seem insignificant will disappearâ⬠¦ flowers, insects, chocolateâ⬠¦ Let's think about it! Marie Orset, 20 years from France Our generation was born after the Cold War. We had nothing to do with the creation and proliferation of these weapons. The Cold war is over and humanity is facing new problems. These 21st century problems cannot be solved by 20th century weapons. We are young and we have new ideas. We are growing up in a globalized world, where modern communication and technology connects so many of us. Today young people have friends all around the world. People in other countries are no longer distant and strange enemies o us. We speak to them every day. Therefore we are able to build trust. We do not have to fear foreign cultures and religions. Weapons are not protecting us from potential enemies ââ¬â they are creating them. But communication gives us the ability to bring down borders. Nuclear weapons are now 65 years old. Don't you think it's time for compulsory retirement? I love that the Dutch youth and a lot of European youth have the privilege not to have experienced war. Wouldnââ¬â¢t it be great if that remains that way and will be established for everybody? Franka, 26 years and Welmoed, 27 years from the Netherlands More than anything in my life I love those brief encounters with strangers that make me feel we are all in this together. ââ¬â Kirsten Stromme, 23 years from Norway For me it is important that my family and I have a save future in a secure country. ââ¬â Elena Sipachova, 21 years from Belarus The stability and security promised us by nuclear weapons is simply a facade behind which the awful truth resides. We, the young generation, have the courage to speak and act on the truth. The truth about the terrible effects of nuclear weapons, about the unacceptable and incalculable consequences of the future use of nuclear weapons, and the huge waste of human and financial resources, the harm to human beings, plants, animals and habitats, their contribution to the problem of climate change; and their potential to cause irreversible damage to all of us and future generations. We ask diplomats, experts, members of armed forces, public officials, and civil society, to have courage and to act on the truth. U. S. President Obama has pointed to the desired goal at the horizon: a world free of nuclear weapons. Civil Society Presentationsââ¬â2010 NPT Review Conferenceââ¬âYouth Now is the time to make concrete steps. We call on all nuclear capable states to commit themselves to the goal of Global Zero. We have to abolish the threat of causing a humanitarian and environmental catastrophe in less than half an hour. The time to start serious negotiations on a framework of agreements banning nuclear-weapons must be taken these weeks here in New York. The ultimate goal must be a world where nuclear weapons are illegal and no longer exist. The way to reach this goal is a Nuclear Weapons Convention. Each year since 2005 we have stood here in front of you, asking and pleading for you to be reasonable and to think about our future, and not to leave us the legacy of fear, threats and death. We have seen no real actions or courageous leadership. So today, we ask once more for all states to begin real, honest and fruitful negotiations leading to a nuclear weapons free world. We do not want our governments to be in constantly hostile postures. We, the youth and we, the people want you to take us into account when you plan our future. We must remember that the decisions taken this month do not only have an impact on us, but on the future of your children, the future of our children and grandchildren. Now this is what counts and why it is up to all of us, to change hope into reality. We thank you for your attention. And we and all future generations will thank you for abolishing nuclear weapons.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
How movies influence kids Essay
My Favorite Holiday My favorite holiday is Christmas. Christmas was the month Jesus Christ was born. Traditionally celebrated at home, Christmas is thought to be a family holiday. However nowadays the habits and ideas of people have changed very much. Christmas becomes more of a global holiday when it is appropriate to meet with many friends and go out for a round the night crazy celebrations. Every person finds their own most favorite thing about Christmas. In this small essay I will explain what this holiday means to me, and what are the best parts of it that I enjoy. As for me, the best thing about Christmas is giving. During Christmas I buy toys and clothes and to donate them to Churches and Charities to help those that are less fortunate. Christmas season people are usually more friendly and gentle to each other. They try to leave every sorrow and offense behind in the year that is passing by. I think this approach is a exercise for a person to make them feel good mentally and physically giving happiness and hope for a better future in the next year . When there is joy in the air, the organism wants to celebrate along with the mind. The renewal of the hope is felt all around. I have loved the celebration of Christmas since my early childhood. I still enjoy decorating the Christmas tree and simply walking around the streets looking at the decorations of the buildings and the trees around the city. In our country Christmas trees stand everywhere, for instance you can see them in squares and parks, in schools and offices, in shops and at homes. And what fun is it to wake up early in the morning and take a look under the tree seeking the presents Santa Clause brought. Of course, now that I am grown I know that someone from my family puts the presents there but I still wish to think that a very kind and fair old man called Santa Clause does it. As Santa brings the presents to the small children, the grown-ups enjoy exchanging presents with each other. I like giving presents to people, also like to get them as well he-he!! Most of all in conclusion WHAT IS CHRISTMAS? Christmas is the season during which Christians everywhere give thanks to God the Father for the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The history of South Africa Essay
The history of South Africa in the last hundred years before the coming of democracy has clearly reflected the trends of many countries throughout the world. In this essay I will use the United State of America as the chosen country because I believe that both African American people and Black South African people have suffered similar educational histories. For decades in both countries there was a desperate need and the creation of a fair and just society. In my essay I will critically analyse historiography based on research, evaluation and the application of this knowledge. I will further use my knowledge of historiography to explain the origin of South African Educational Historiography. I will also include how it has reformed our country from the past to the present days. I will further be looking at how USA has developed and changed in their educational system. In my essay I will explain how United State of Americaââ¬â¢s educational historiography has influenced South Afric a and how South Africa has also benefited from them. Lastly I will focus on why it is important as a future teacher to be educated on the history of education internationally and locally. I will also provide reasons as to how I as a future teacher can benefit from my findings. Historiography is the study of the methodology of the histories and the developments of history as a discipline. When studying historiography, you are not studying the happenings of the past directly but you are also studying the changing interpretations of those events. The subject of historiography is the history of the history of the event. I will use historiography to explain the way it has been written, the conflicting objectives pursued by those events that occurred over time, the way in which these factors shape our understanding of the actual event that was at risk. It is important for us to have to have learnt from the past in order for us to be guided because of the ethical dilemmas that we face today. The underlining sentiment of historiography is one of disbelieving. History is never truly unbiased but always presents the historians view of things. Now that we have a clear understanding of what historiography is I will now further interpret South African educational historiography. In South Africa before the white had settled, education was solely tribally based and there were no form of schools as we now know them in our present days. The children in the pre-colonial times learnt what they needed to know from their parents and their tribal leaders. Formal school education in Southà Africa was gradually introduced after the whites arrived. The earlier progress that was made in the Cape where it was the British following their occupation in 1806, who got schooling underway on a meaningful basis. Education was not yet compulsory and many Dutch parents chose not to send their children to schools that we cast in the English mould and which solely taught through the medium of English. Social class divisions amongst Whites were also reinforced since secondary education unlike primary education schooling was not free. This became th e ideal of richer people. Thousands of slaves had been brought into the Cape as a source of labour. In 1833 slavery was established in an attempt to instil social discipline in the children of former slaves. The main aim was to teach basic reading, writing and arithmetic as well as obedience and the value of hard work so that such children could be drawn into society as wage labourers. The vast majority of African children received no schooling and when they did it was usually at the hands of the missionaries. They did not go further than the primary school phase. In the 1830ââ¬â¢s groups of Dutch decided to become participants in certain quarters known as the great trek. The establishment of the provinces Orange Free State, Transvaal and Natal after the union of South Africa came into being in 1910. Once the Union of South Africa came into place, the four provincial education departments were sent to control and administer primary and secondary education. Higher education was the responsibility of the Union Department. Education expenditure strongly favoured whites with free an d compulsory schooling. Indians, Coloureds and Africans were inadequately catered for. Their schools were regarded as separate entities run by the missionaries and drawing only measly subsidies from the government. The Bantu Education Act was established in 1953. This Act was intended to make African education a central government function so that its direction and purpose could be more effectively manipulated by the apartheid politicians. The white teachers were withdrawn from African schools and were replaced by African teachers that were unqualified. The standard of education in South Africa suffered for African children. In 1975, the minister of Bantu Education declared that certain subjects in high school had to be studied in Afrikaans and others were taught in the medium of English. Africans objected to this on the grounds that they would have to learn three languages. To give to their anger towards the Bantu Educationà Act, there was around 20 000 students that marched through Soweto on the 16th of June 1976. Peoples Education was adopted as a strategy by the mass based National Education Crisis Committee at two historic conferences in 1985 and 1986. The core of the policy of People Education under the specific conditions of Apartheid capitalism in the mid 1980ââ¬â¢s, the creation of new education structures and the institution of new practices could contribute to a process of social transformation. The affairs deteriorated to a great extent and the black community was steadfast in its struggle to bring about the downfall of apartheid. Education was a strategic tool bringing about an end to apartheid. When the ANC came into power in 1994 the groundwork for the new policies in education for all the people in its nation had been laid. According to the CAPS document one of the core principles is social transformation ensuring that the educational imbalances of the past are redressed, and that equal educational opportunities are provided for all sections of the population. This new educational policy has effectively started the process of major change in this country in keeping with the principle of democracy that all people shoul d be given equal opportunities. In the United State of America, government had supported free and public education and it had thus been developed after the American Revolution. This occurred between 1750 and 1870 where parochial schools appeared as ââ¬Å"ad hocâ⬠. These schools were open mainly for Catholic children but also the Orthodox, Lutherans, Calvinists and Orthodox Jews. These schools focused mainly on the three Rââ¬â¢s of reading, writing and arithmetic but also history and geography. In the 19th century American education is often referred to as the ââ¬Å"common school periodâ⬠. It went from being ultimately private to being available to the common masses. The common schools movement was not until the 1840ââ¬â¢s did an organised system exist. This common school system was created by Henry Barnard and Horace Mann. This was focused on seeking for inner opportunities for all children and creating a common bond among increasingly diverse population. They argued that education could preserve social stability and prevent crime and poverty. Free elementary education was funded by public funds. In 1986 the Supreme Court established that there will be separate schools for black and white students. This decision deprived an African American learner of many educational benefits and it had put them at a disadvantage. They had to makeà do with whatever resources that they could acquire because they were clearly under financed and parents could not afford to pay the fees. This had out them at an unfair weakness in terms of learning and education. An influential group of educators known as the committee of ten was established in 1892 recommended that children should receive 12 years of schooling that consists of 8 years of elementary education and was then a further 4 years of secondary education. As the 19th century was the progressive era, the 20th century was inclusivism and the idea of free education for all. The State had controlled free public education and it was the rule. Public schools did not force parents to use pu blic schools. Parochial schools and other private schools were viable options. The struggle for fair and equal education for the African Americans was long and hard but a lot of progress had been made through the efforts of the NAACP who pushed for fairness in the education system. In America, schools were desegregated in 1954 and even though the system still struggles to find its common ground with issues relating to fair education for African American education. The nation has come a long way since the founding of the first ââ¬Å"coloured schoolhouseâ⬠in 1890. The USA was seen as a beacon of democracy where the constitution allowed for equal rights to all the people but yet up until 1950 education and other social aspects of life had remained to be segregated. This was a clear divide between African and White American schools. The American constitution stated that schools will be equal but separate as it was clearly evident in the South African American children received an inferior education as to the white counterparts. The scenario had duplicated itself in South Africa where the gap became bigger with each passing years. In line with the Bantu Act, there was less money given to each African learner per school. The African children received an inferior education where they were merely educated enough to take up a job in the semi-skilled and the more skilled. They could become the scientists and doctors that they wanted to become as they were not allowed to have big and beautiful dreams. They were not given any opportunities in society and especially at school. These two countries had both been influenced in terms of racial segregation where Africans were not allowed to be attending the same school as whites. They were labelled as the inferior group and were given a very poor education just enough so that they could take up their role in the labour force. Asà radical changes were beginning in the USA and education had become integrated, South Africa was moving in the opposite direction. It seemed o f the day in the 1950ââ¬â¢s was more resolute in implementing Bantu Education. It is important for me as a potential teacher to study the history of education as it will enhance my capacity to understand and appreciate the challenges in education in Post-Colonial Africa, it will also guide me to establish the linkage between the educational theory and practice in national and global systems with emphasis on Africa. It will also help to understand the importance of education in the development of society since the time immemorial. The history of education is important for the formation of identity and personality of a nation. It helps us to discover things that were unknown to us before. We as a society or nation may not know who they are and how they became today without knowing the history. There are many ways in which history can help to benefit a teachers, history shows that in the past that education was not equal for all the learners of different ethnic groups that is why the future generation needs to realise that education is seen as a privilege and not a right. Education wasnââ¬â¢t accessible to everyone and that is where our issues lie in todayââ¬â¢s world. Children nowadays are just aiming to make that 30%. There is no drive or determination because they are taking their education for granted. They do not realise the struggle their grandparents and parents went through. The hardships that many people had to endure during the colonization and apartheid period, they can never begin to understand. Without education, there is no foundation for a better life. When you are learning the history of education it drives teachers to take more pride and initiative in the way that learning is incorporated in the classroom. It also brings a non-judgemental approach because as teachers they are the people their learners look up to for guidance and inspiration. That is why it is important for teachers to set a good example in the classroom judging from the experiences in the past and how unfairly some learners were treated. The history of education is a foundation for all teachers and it is in this way they can use their knowledge in order to change and make education better for our future generations. Today we are fortunate to live in a country which constitution expresses equal rights because of this principle our education system is a starting point in an equal and free education for all.à As shown to us in both American and South African history there is only one group that stands to benefit when education is segregated. In the study of the historiography of both South Africa and America, we must be able to take away and learn that segregation is both morally and ethically unacceptable in any facet of life. In South Africa today we need to learn from this. Education cannot be separated on the basis of race or social economic group. Yet in South Africa this is happening still where the rich goes to more expensive schools and the poor goes to the school where they are closest to which in most cases are the rural schools with no proper infrastructure. Schools such as, the ex model c schools are given more power and they are seen to deliver better results. While under resourced and poorer schools are still battling to collect even a percentage of school fees. Our past has left us with this legacy but we need to bridge this gap and not make it worse. Through the study of historiography it is clearly evident that our past practices in education policies has impacted on how we need to bring about important and vital changes so that education can be positively reflected of our democratic principles of free and equal education to all South African people. References 1. African Virtual University, Retrieved 20 April 2014, EDU: 110: History of Education: 2. Historiography, Retrieved April 15 2014: 3. Historiography, Retrieved April 15 2014, From Wikipedia-the free encyclopaedia: 4. The history of Education in America, Retrieved 15 April 2014: 5. University of Education, Faculty of Education, School of Education Studies (2012) Education and schooling in South Africa: An introduction for undergraduate students, 8-34
Friday, September 27, 2019
An HMO-Based Prospective Pilot Study of Energy Medicine for Chronic Research Paper
An HMO-Based Prospective Pilot Study of Energy Medicine for Chronic Headaches - Research Paper Example The title of the research is appropriate because it provides an understanding of the reported research study. The title includes the research design (HMO-Based Prospective Pilot Study), concept studies (Energy Medicine for Chronic Headaches), and research problem (Whole-Person Outcomes Point and need for New Instrumentation). The inclusion of these elements creates the interest to read the research (Burns and Grove, 2007). Quality of the AbstractThe abstract is also of good quality because it clearly distinguishes the major and most important elements of the research including purpose, design, sample (13 patients), intervention (energy healing treatment), primary results, and implications for clinical practice and future research.Problem of the StudyThe problem of the study is clearly indicated. Background of the problem is stated by suggesting that approximately 50 million people in America are enduring chronic pain, and approximately 45% of the total population seeks medical attent ion for pain in their lives. Only 40% of the patients with moderate f\to severe pain report relief. The significance of the problem is also provided ââ¬â that the success of treatment for chronic pain is significant for clinic management.The purpose of the study is also provided clearly and concisely. The authors state that the purpose of the study is to determine the success of using energy healing treatment in clinic therapy for patients with chronic pain. In fact, the purpose states clearly where the study will be carried out - KPNW Pain Clinic.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Week 4 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Week 4 - Research Paper Example It will also discuss the barriers to effective communication and how to overcome them. Additionally, the paper will define the correlation of leaders, organizational politics and stakeholder groups. In the Aristotle model, communication is described as a linear process. He further claimed that the packaging of messages is either in emotion (pathos), logic (logos) or character (ethos) (Palta, 2006). The model comprises the sender, the content, the message, the medium and the receiver. The sender is the individual from whom the message will come from. The content refers to what the message contains. The message could be in form of goods or just verbal information. The medium refers to the mode in which the message will be moved from the sender to the receiver. Mediums of sending messages include through telephones, through written letters, telegrams or just personal delivery. This model forms the basis of all communication models that are established today. The model covered all the aspects of communication and very minimal additions are made to the model. In modern day communication theories, there is the inclusion of distortion. However, distortion is only an inclusion to the Aristotle model of communication. Communication theorists come up with models which revolve around the Aristotle model. In many modern communication models, the goals and the objective of the message are usually defined. It is at this juncture that distortion comes into play. In case of distortion, the objective and goal of the message will not be achieved (Caputo, 2003). The modern model borrows from Aristotle model in that it defines the capability of the medium. After the medium, the model follows the Aristotle model to the receiver then to the feedback. Different barriers affect the effectiveness of communication models. The five barriers of communication are difference in perception, difficulties
Stevens Johnson Syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Stevens Johnson Syndrome - Essay Example Recommendations for managing this conditionStevens-Johnson Syndrome is an emergency that needs immediate hospitalization in burn or intensive care units. The initial treatment in managing this condition is based on determining the cause. In this case, the condition is triggered by medication, thus, discontinuation of the medication is recommended (Sooriakumaran et al. 2006). According to Patterson et al. (2009), early discontinuation of the causative drug has been proven to improve survival rate in affected patients (p. 234). As a precaution, all medications ought to be discontinued, to minimize complications. Next, oral lesions are administered mouthwashes. According to McCance & Huether (2014) anesthetics are used in pain control, as the pain is intense (p. 1627). In addition, the patient must be allowed to rehydrate their bodies via intravenous fluid repletion, the ocular surface is lubricated. The patient has to be given a consult by an ophthalmologist because of the eye damage r isk (Wright & Spiegel, 2006). Regions which contain shed skin ought to be covered with compresses of Burow or saline solution and tetanus shots must be administered to the patients. Special attention is given to hemodynamic and airway stability. Nutrition also plays a vital role in managing this condition. Proper management entails supportive care to the patient as the treatment is symptomatic. A vital pointer is that the environment must be hygienic and sterile, to prevent any infection.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Week 8 diss 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week 8 diss 2 - Essay Example Cybercrime is criminal activity which makes use of the computer and the internet. This includes the illegal downloading of music or video files, creating and distributing viruses on computers and may be as grave as stealing millions from online bank accounts (, n.d.). It differs from insider trading in that it uses the computer as a target, accessory or a weapon. (, n.d.). If the government will not control insider trading, there is a possibility that the stock market may crash, which will have a detrimental impact on the economy of a country. Furthermore, investors might think twice before investing in the stock market; thus, investments in the stock market may be scarce, again creating a negative impact on the economy. In October 2006, Megan Meier committed suicide as a result of a cruel cyber hoax (, 2007). It started when Megan befriended a cute boy, Josh Evans on the social networking site MySpace. After more than a month-long relationship, Megan received an email from Josh stating that he did not want to be friends with her anymore because she was not nice to her friends. Megan saw several electronic bulletins posted saying nasty things about her. Megan could not handle the stress and depression; thus, she hanged herself in the
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Economics of the the Coca-Cola Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Economics of the the Coca-Cola Company - Essay Example Within each category there are several product lines for example under Juices there are concentrate, not-from-concentrate, frozen concentrate, pulp-free, fortified and flavored juice blends. The flagship product bears the same name as the company. Coca-Cola is not only the most popular and biggest-selling soft drink in history but also the best-known brand in the world (ââ¬Å"Coca-Cola - Brands - Brand Fact Sheets,â⬠2011). Coca-Cola has got products all across the beverage productsââ¬â¢ life cycle. The company has at its disposal immense resources ââ¬â finance, human capital, distribution channel, and brand ââ¬â to support research and development to continuously come up with new products and to see them through the resource-draining phases of the product lifecycle (the introduction and growth stages). Whereas on the other end of the product lifecycle, Coca-Cola has also been able to sustain its flagship brand as a cash cow at the maturity stage. Coca-Cola has one of the most effective, if not the best, marketing mix strategies that include: merchandising, product-placement, public relations, endorsements, sponsorships, exhibitions and most of all advertising. However, due to its continuous innovation Coca-Cola has had challenges when it comes to market cannibalization. This is manifested in different ways such as between two Coca-Cola brands or between the old retail distribution channels (shops, supermarkets) and vending machine. Even though the presence of numerous brands has stifled the growth of some of its products, the marginal benefits have been greater than the marginal loss for Coca-Cola in its multi-brand strategy. This strategy is referred to as a single-position strategy and it has worked for Coca-Cola because it is often easier and cheaper to introduce a new brand rather than change the positioning of an existing brand in the eyes of the consumer (Ries & Trout, 1986). 2.0. Market trends In a five-year forecast that uses 2009 as the base year, it is estimated that the global soft drinks market will experience a growth of 16.2% (Datamonitor, 2010). A large part of this growth will be as a result of the rapidly growing functional soft drinks (FSD) market that consists of sports drinks, energy drinks, enriched drinks, smoothies, ready-to-drink (RTD), iced tea and dairy drinks. Not to be left behind, Coca-Cola has actively been engaged in expanding its product offerings in this market. Sports and energy drinks are the two most recognizable and successfully established sub-categories within the overall FSD market. According to Lewis (2009) health, convenience and premiumization are the three leading megatrends driving the global soft drink market forward. This implies that the soft drink market still has a lot of potentials to innovate with truly unique products that offer genuine and proven health benefits across demographics and consumption occasions despite the global economic downturn. Consumer behavi or is a function of the product, the consumer, his social environment, the competing products and the brand marketing strategy. Coca-Colaââ¬â¢s strength has been how it communicates its brands and how consumers perceive those brands relative to other competing brands in the marketplace.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Leaqdership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Leaqdership - Essay Example Inequity is posited to create tension, which motivates an individual to restore equity. This restoration of equity can be accomplished in a number of ways. Outcomes can be altered, objectively or psychologically; inputs can be altered, objectively or psychologically; comparative referents can be changed; or an individual can leave or psychologically withdraw from the situation. As Greenberg (1989) pointed out, however, equity research offers little guidance as to when psychological adjustments rather than objective adjustments will occur. Complicating the matter further, psychological adjustments are difficult to measure and validate. Equity theory predictions about reactions to inequity have been tested primarily in laboratory experiments. The typical experiment involves (a) subjects performing a task, (b) distribution of a monetary reward and performance feedback, and (c) measurement of performance on a subsequent iteration of the task. Situations of inequity are set up through the manipulation of rewards and performance feedback, and individual responses to these inequitable situations are measured. As reviews of equity research have pointed out (Goodman & Friedman, 1971; Greenberg, 1982, 1987; Walster et al., 1978), these laboratory studies have shown that equity perceptions can significantly alter individuals performances. However, these studies have been largely ââ¬Å"one-shot affairsâ⬠(Homans, 1982, p. xv) and have typically not allowed time for performanceââ¬âoutcome expectancies to develop among subjects. Subjects who decrease their performance when faced with perceived underreward probably do not view this decrease in performance as leading to decreased future rewards. By the 1950s, several new models of work motivation emerged, which collectively have been referred to as content theories, since their principal aim was to identify factors associated with motivation. Included here is Maslows (1954) need hierarchy theory, which
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Harry Potterââ¬â¢s Influence on Society Essay Example for Free
Harry Potterââ¬â¢s Influence on Society Essay Its important to remember that we all have magic inside us. (J.K. Rowling, scholastic book fair promotion, October 1999) One of the most influential novels of this generation is the Harry Potter Saga. Since the first book was published in 1997 these novels take you on a breath-taking adventure through witch-craft and wizardry. How has this saga written by J.K. Rowling been an influence on society you ask? Come explore how Hogwarts the school of witch-craft and wizardry made its way from a small fantasy school in England to a worldwide phenomenon. It all starts with the author; J.K Rowling is the master-mind behind these magical books. Born on July 31st, 1965 as Joanne Rowling she decided to go under the name J.K for her books. She chose this because her key target readers were young boys and she thought that they would not want to read a book by a female author although she was mistaken. The idea came to her while she was on a four hour delayed train trip from Manchester, England to London. She saw a young boy sitting across from her and started to create a story for this him. She decided his name would be Harry and he was on his way to attend his first year at a school as a wizard. This is what started the successful journey that would change reading for our generation. The Harry Potter saga is made up of seven novels. (Listed below in order) * Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone ( Sorcererââ¬â¢s Stone) * Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets * Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban * Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire * Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix * Harry Potter and the Half ââ¬âBlood Prince * Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows These books follow the life of Harry Potter a young wizard who has been through something you cannot imagine. Both of his parents were murdered when he was just a baby by Lord Voldemort ( who plays the villain in the story). Harry Potter was present while this happened but he survived the killing curse with only a minor scar on his forehead. He survived because motherââ¬â¢s love for him was so powerful that it somehow protected him from the curse that took his parents lives. Since he was orphaned he was living with his aunt, uncle and cousin just outside of London, England. When he turned eleven years old he received an invitation to attend the Hogwarts school of Witch-craft and Wizardry because he was wizard. While on his way to Hogwarts he comes to learn that he is famous for the events that lead him to have just mere scar on his forehead and being the only wizard to survive a killing curse. On the Hogwarts express he meets two young wizards who eventually become his best friends, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasely. Each book is a new school year which comes with new tasks and new level of maturity. Throughout the novels we come to understand that Harry Potter has the same problems as a everyday teenager but there is extra level of responsibility because along with magic comes consequences. There is two ways that magic can be used. Thereââ¬â¢s good magic but there is also dark magic and both of these are seen within the Harry Potter novels. Voldemort being the villain is constantly in a fight with Harry. This is where the theme of the story comes in. The theme of the Harry Potter novels is good vs. evil. Harry represents the good character and Voldemort represents the evil. The only way for Harry to be free of the evil spirit is to kill him. Harry uses dark magic to do so but uses it in defense. Along every step of the way Harryââ¬â¢s two best friends where there to help. When he needed advice or someone to lean on the both Ron and Hermione were always there. Without them Harry Potter would never have been able to demolish the evil character and enjoy his life to the fullest. That is the moral of the story, love can overcome evil and if you have support system you can do anything. That is something as human beings we should keep with us for all time. Morals are something we can learn from reading but because sometimes we get distracted by technology and materialistic items we forget that. J.K Rowling was taking on a generation that was attached to technology and attracting them back to reading. This may be the largest impact the Harry Potter Saga has had on society. Reading is somehow lost in this generation and many people do not realize the importa nce of reading. Reading enhances vocabulary, helps speech, and really broadens a personââ¬â¢s understanding and tolerance. Reading always teaches you something, from Harry Potter we learn that evil cannot stand in the way of love, and no matter what has happened you can always get through it if you have people to support you. J.K Rowling also focused on one other important detail, imagination. Reading allows you to use your imagination to come up with scenarios for you self. It allows you to build your artistic ability and creativity by doing so. Creativity stems from imagination; this means without an active imagination there would be no creativity whatsoever. Imagination allows you to transport into a fantasy world and experience things you would not be able to in reality. One important thing about imagination and creativity is that is undefined. Every single person views it differently and there is no right or wrong answer. J.K Rowling took this into consideration while writing her books and many people think because she created such a conversely topic that it opened the public up to the books. But one thing everyone can agree on is that this book changed our generation. Michelle McMorrow Ramsell the director of Tuscarawas Public Library says in a news paper article that: ââ¬Å"The popularity of the Harry Potter series made reading a cool thing and made reading a cool thing to talk about with friends. The time that Harry Potter was released was is when technology started to become a major part in our generation. Harry Potter books got millions of people involved from the middle-school age level and up.â⬠This is one of the reasons Harry Potter is such an influential book. Not only did it bring people back into reading but it also has characters that people can relate to. J.K Rowling started to write because she was an English major and it was a passion of hers but as she got more into depth with the books she started to make all the characters relatable. She started writing the book when her mother fell ill, but quickly after her mother passed away and that is when she decided she would use this idea for the book. She knew what it felt like to lose someone who was so important so that is where she came up with the idea for Harry to lose his pare nts. Many people know what it is like to lose someone important to them and when someone else dealing with the same thing it makes you feel like you are not alone. J.K Rowling was diagnosed with clinical depression in 1993, she needed a way to escape real life and she chose this with Harry Potter. She decided to add the dementors, the creatures who are known as the soul-sucking creatures who are constantly after Harry because of the way she felt. She thought that a good way to come out of depression is to be sidetracked in a way, and Harry Potter was her way out of reality and she took that into consideration. She also tried to relate most of her characters to people she knew when she was younger. J.K Rowling says that she sees a lot of herself in Hermione. Hermione comes off as a know it all sometimes and J.K says thatââ¬â¢s how many people saw her when she was young. The Weselyââ¬â¢s were a poor family that did not have much, she was able to relate to this because before Harry Pot ter she was in that place for a long time. Ron was also based on J.K Rowlingââ¬â¢s best friend Shane Harris. She also saw herself as Harry because there was always something she was trying to fix and she was not a quitter. She was never going to give up in what she believed in and it helped her get through many hardships she faced throughout her life just like him. Reading books can allow you to escape reality and maybe even sometimes solve a problem which is what she was trying to accomplish. The Harry Potter books were such a success that they were turned into a film series starring Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson. The entire film series made 7.7 billion dollars and is also one of the top highest grossing films of all time. The first movie premiered in 2001 and the last being in two parts finished in 2011. Over the last ten years J.K Rowling worked closely with the script writers because she wanted it as close to the books as possible. The movies success made the young actors Hollywood superstars and it al so had a huge impact to our generation. The movies and books are translated into 67 different languages, so no matter where you live or what language you speak you can get a taste of the magic. It was a family movie that everyone can enjoy together and seeing the magic come alive on screen really touched people all over the world and that also made an impact on society. Many things have evolved from the novels and the movie is not the only one. On June 18th 2010, Universal Studioââ¬â¢s opened up a new Theme park named: The Wizarding world of Harry Potter. Here you can experience the magic of Hogwarts in real life. You can you visit the Hogwarts castle, Three-broom sticks diner, Honeydukes sweet shop, Ollivanderââ¬â¢s wand shop, Zonkoââ¬â¢s joke store, and dervish and banges quidditch equipment store. These are all places that are in the movies and books and after ten years there finally a reality. ââ¬Å"I used to leave set wishing I was at Hogwarts and that Harry Potter was real life. I got to experience the magi c of it but normal kids didnââ¬â¢t and now because of the theme park they can, and itââ¬â¢s wicked.â⬠Daniel Radcliffe( interview in 2010 about the Theme Park) This is a huge impact on society because there is not anything like this visting the theme park gives you the full experience and your imagination really comes to life. Daniel Radcliffe believes that ââ¬Å"The wizarding world of Harry Potter has the potential to be a fantastic memory that kids will take with them, that will be something that stands out with them for a long time.â⬠( interview about the theme park 2010) This is a true fact and everyone who visits seems to capture some of the joy and take it with them where ever they may go. Pottermore is also another place to experience the Hogwarts school of witch-craft and wizardry. A website created by J.K Rowling in order to keep the Harry Potter Saga alive after the seventh book and the eighth movie being completed. She did this in response to her fan base being so strong. ââ¬Å"So Iââ¬â¢d like to take this opportunity to say thank you because no author could of asked for a more wonderful, diverse readership. Iââ¬â¢m thrilled to say that Iââ¬â¢m now in a position to give you something unique. An online reading experience unlike any other and its called Pottermore. Itââ¬â¢s the same story with a few crucial editions; the most important one is you. Just as the experience of reading requires the imagination of the author and reader work together to create the story, so Pottermore will be built in part by you the reader. The digital generation will be able to enjoy a safe, unique online reading experience built around the Harry Potter books. Pottermore will be the place where fans of any age can share, participate in and re-discover the stories. And I will be sharing additional information that Iââ¬â¢ve been holding for years about the world of Harry Potter. I hope to see you soon.â⬠(J.K. Rowling on By visiting this website you can go through journeys of the books and through every chapter you visit you learn something new about the wizarding world. Like the books and movies you get sorted into a house: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin, here you get to experience life as if you were a student. Just like the book you earn house points, make friends from many houses, brew positions, casts spells, attend quidditch matches , take journeys through diagon ailey ( located in London where the shops are), visit the wizarding bank and really experience life as a virtual Hogwarts student. As you can see the Harry Potter novels really do influence society. There has been over a million copies of the books sold, eight successful films translated into 67 languages, a enchanting theme ââ¬â park, amazing websites, and even merchandise which includes, shirts, stickers, hats, sweatshirts, wands, anything you can think of. It is a spectacular story that has transformed reading. Most people before the Harry Potter series thought reading was boring and that TV. and the internet were more entertaining, but after reading it they changed their mind. J.K Rowling created an imaginary story that was still relatable and people will remember this book for years to come. ââ¬Å"Thereââ¬â¢s always room for a story that can transport people to another place, and I feel I completed this task with Harry Potter.â⬠( J.K. Rowling on the success of her novels.)
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Aims of education in current education
Aims of education in current education In the major sense Education is the accomplishment that has an influential impact on an individuals character, mind and physical abilities. If discussed technically education is known to be a process by means of which a society with positive intentions transform it. Education is the procedure through which the society intentionally diffuses its amassed knowledge. The educational system have a process that it follows: teachers and students are the primary people in an educational system. The teachers transform education to the students in various forms including reading, science, history, mathematics and writing. This process of transforming education from the teachers to students by the means of teaching is known as schooling. Education is a wide concept and is not restricted to only being taught in the schools and one can get educated in specialized areas of interests as well for example vocational skills for example training to become a pilot. The medium of educating someone is not just schools but other places like museums and libraries, and facilities like the Internet provides one of the best knowledge about everything. HISTORY: As per the belief of the President of Freie University, Berlin, Dieter Lenzen, the system of education was initiated began million years ago, 1770. The traditional education system that existed in earlier days will always have a link with current education system as well. In earlier times the level of literate used to be achieved through the medium of oral communication and imitation and story telling is one basic thing that have always helped to pass on the education from one person to another. One important fact, that the evolutions of culture and human beings have always been dependent on the education transcended. The practice of spreading knowledge started expanding its arms. Now after this the culture started expanding ahead of the basic knowledge of communicating, doing business, congregation, food, religious practices, etc., formal education, and schooling, eventually followed. In the 19th century, the history of education began in England in the Church of England and was the one that provided schools for the children till the time there was a proper establishment of free, compulsory education towards the end of that century. This was followed by a number of universities in London and actually helped in emerging the London University. LITERATURE REVIEW: Education is the practice by which individuals learn: Training means provision of learning, mainly by a teacher. Coaching means the practice of providing learning to the student by using a means of group teaching. Knowledge means learning concepts that could be immediately applied onto for the practical knowledge and have a practical existence as well. As per the government rules and laid down regulations the following kinds of education have been discussed in every kind of journal and article. The underneath are important part of education and need to be given to every student as it is an essential part of every ones life: Primary education: Primary education consists of the initial 5-7Ã years of formal education. Generally it means that primary education schooling initiates from a small age that is 5 or 6 years, although it is variable, Globally around 89% of primary-age children are enrolled in primary education, and this proportion is rising. The division between primary and secondary education is somewhat illogical, but it generally happens at about eleven or twelve years of age. Secondary education It is again a very important phase of schooling for any student where in the basic application based concepts are introduced to them. Every facilitator in the school is expected to instill these applications into their teaching philosophy. Another most important thing that he discusses is that the facilitator although needs to instill all these applications into his teaching patterns but does not need to put across all the knowledge of all the areas of education but what so ever he teaches should be perfect and thorough. The author wants to put across that the main ideas should be thrown into the childs mind may it be very few ideas but can be the most important ones. As everything takes time to grow and sustain similarly education takes time to root itself in any child or individual. The Aim of Education is that the child should be able to accept these techniques and learn it in a playful manner wherein the child never forgets the applications being thought ever and also he could be able to apply those in the real life and also the child gets to understands the social life or the society. This helps a child in forming better understanding about the social requirements .By understanding the applications the writer meant that these are not only logical although logical analysis is included. Higher education Higher education, also called tertiary, third stage, or post secondary education, is the non-compulsory educational level that follows the completion of a school providing a secondary education, such as a high school, secondary school. Tertiary education is normally taken to include undergraduate and postgraduate education, as well as vocational education and training. Colleges and universities are the main institutions that provide tertiary education. Collectively, these are sometimes known as tertiary institutions. Tertiary education generally results in the receipt of certificates, diplomas, or academic degrees. Adult education This kind of education is becoming common to almost every country nowadays. It have many forms that varies from different age groups and are some based on formal learning and some on internet learning. Several career based courses are provided that helps an individual to become a successful person in life. Alternative education This kind of education is not specified to any age group and consists of varying age groups. It might be designed for students with specialized needs or people with specialized needs. RESEARCH DESIGN AND RESEARCH METHODS: This paper is based on a research which is being done in context of the purposes of education in the current times. The research design is based on the grounded theory methodology. This kind of research is basically a qualitative methodology of research which takes into account the historic presence of the subject matter and what are the current changes made in the same. This research covers the data that is being present from generations. The following have been the research methodologies used to write this paper and to know the present scenario of the aims of education: Step I: collection of Data this includes collecting of data through various mediums that is journals, articles, advertisements, historic books and internet sources. Step II: after the collection of data through various modes, the key points are marked with the help of codes which selected from the information. Step III: This coded information is grouped according to concepts that are adjusted in chronological order of using the information that is starting form history to present scenario. Step IV: these codes help in formation of categories of information Step V: last but not the least, the categories form the base for writing the theory. Thus this is more of a practical approach rather than theoretical approach that is also called the traditional ways. PROCESS: Curriculum A hypothetical authority is a division of expertise that is taught officially either in schools and universities or by other means of teaching. Every field of study usually has several sub-subjects. For instance if a student studies management then it is a wide area of study and contains several sub divisional subjects and branches. Learning modalities Education cannot be transformed if there is no one to accept it thus there are various teaching styles followed to make learning interesting. The environment provided to the students is such that they enjoy going to the school and the basic motive of learning is established. The individual attention given to every child or learner for developing and nourishing their skills and capabilities have proved to one of the best techniques to increase learning and grasping power of the students. The following are the current modalities used in the schools and universities to make education system simpler to be understood: Visual: it is entirely based on observation and seeing and then learns. Auditory: it is entirely establish on snoop to commands. Although it is believed that every means of teaching have different techniques and preferences and also there impact are different if one means helps to increase the observation level of the student the other helps to increase the cognitive thinking abilities of the child. One important fact that is connected to this is that teaching patterns should keep getting change as per the changes in the teaching techniques because if one keeps on repeating the same modules to the children and present it in the same manner it becomes monotonous and thus its influence start demolishing and it is of no use. Thus using varieties of techniques and making the class interesting is integral part of teaching and learning process. Teaching A student teacher relation is an integral part of a better education, if discussed about society as a whole. Education is considered to be a vehicle that brings about change in the society to such an extent that it can make an undeveloped country a developed one. The current aim of education is driven by the curriculum or the syllabus. Every facilitator in the school is expected to instill these applications into their teaching philosophy. Schools have always been held responsible for the knowledge, and customs that are inculcated in any individual. According to the writers the purpose of education is divided into 4 basic parts that are: Intellectual Political Economical Social According to the given theories the basic aim of providing understanding and comprehensive knowledge to the children to survive in this competitive world. They continue by saying the education not only provide the learner a scope of surviving well in the society but also it can remove and eradicate problems of racism, poverty, sexual discrimination, and other environmental and social issues. The schools provide education to the children so that in future they can be successful in their life and grow as a better citizen. Another point that is being put forward is that there should be a social interaction between students and teachers so that they form a better relation and the students get to learn new things from their teachers. Technology Source: Educational technology Technology is an increasingly influential factor in education. The knowledge is important to be given in the form of both practical and theoretical. The theoretical knowledge should be kept short and simpler but should be strict and rigid. It should not be too long because that could make learning process a little sluggish and lingering and to attain accuracy it should be simple. The theory should not be messed up with the practical knowledge. The student should not come across any doubts and errors while using the theoretical information in practice. The authors point of view is that the erudition that have that can be proved should be utilized as well and vice-versa. Thus according to him there is no difference between proof and utilization and thus are the same things. The technologies such as computers and mobile phones both goes hand in hand with the current education system and also helps in establishing new ways of teaching methodologies and also encourages internet or online education that is even helpful for students that they can work along with their higher studies by perusing their studies through the medium of online education. This gives students the prospects to decide on their areas of. Not just this technology offers powerful learning tools that demand new skills and understandings of students, including Multimedia, and provides new ways to engage students, such as Virtual learning environments. When discussing about knowledge and learning media plays an important role in the current times because media is mixed with communication. As said that every individual wants a secret to be happy, popular, attractive, understanding, satisfied and most importantly in control. The skill that provides all these qualities is effective communication. In fact, the benefits of communication and education are so much that they cannot be listed here because this enhances so many aspects of our life. Thus technology is a medium through which an individual can polish their eminence and traits and also it nourishes the capabilities of an individual in his areas of advocacy that is advertising, marketing, public relation etc. and also enriches the education level. Basically, the aim of the education is that it should be such that it can transform and emancipate an individual and can be easily adjusted in the present social structure. From past times and even in the current times have been to provide a person or individual who is merely well informed about his surrounding is considered to be of no use in present times. The need for the current times is that a person should possess both cultural and expertise knowledge in at least one particular area of his choice. Because this knowledge and expertise will help them to make a base for a good start. INTERNATIONALIZATION Education has become international nowadays. Not only the materialistic pleasures are being influenced by international countries but now also the education patterns provided by various countries to their students in every field of study. Some scholars argue that, every individual should have an exposure to different styles of education and should not be bounded in just one form. The exchange programs recently started by every country aims that every individual should not only get a chance study in their country and the subjects offered in their homeland but also experience various different styles of technologies and methodologies used by other countries as well. Every place has their own ways of transcending knowledge, therefore every school or university is different. Thus internationalization of education will always help in better development of any country. RESEARCH AIMS AND QUESTION: My research is completely based on the education and its aim. In the entire case study I have discussed the history and background of education, that when the need for education was felt and it initiated. Also the earlier means of education and the current means and technologies being used for the betterment of the education structure. The following were the questions that I came across during my case study and that I have tried to answer through the same medium as well. These are: What is the real meaning of education? Ans: Education is the practice by which individuals learn: Training means provision of learning, mainly by a teacher. Coaching means the practice of providing learning to the student by using a means of group teaching. Knowledge means learning concepts that could be immediately applied onto for the practical knowledge and have a practical existence as well. Is education only related school learning? Ans: Educations have always been associated with learning at school at one point of time is vibrant with turmoil of genius and the cause behind this is that these are overloaded with static and sluggish ideas. The education with stagnant thoughts is useless and not only this but above all these are harmful. Education is not only bookish and learning subjects but education is religious education as well. It instills duty and responsibility in an individual. These come from within a sense of obligation in a person towards society and other people around him. But we cannot deny the fact that schooling is important as well. The schools provide education to the children so that in future they can be successful in their life and grow as a better citizen. Another point that is being put forward is that there should be a social interaction between students and teachers so that they form a better relation and the students get to learn new things from their teachers. Basically the aim of the education according to this article is that education should be such that it can transform and emancipate an individual and can be easily adjusted in the present social structure. From past times and even in the current times have been to provide a person or individual who is merely well informed about his surrounding is considered to be of no use in present times. Is a literate person be called educated and an illiterate person be called uneducated? Ans: literate person is the one who have all the knowledge of in and around his vicinity and country and possess the capabilities of not just reading and writing but also understanding the current developments in the technology and an illiterate person cannot be called uneducated only because he do not possess the abilities of reading and writing. For example a farmer is not literate but have all the knowledge and education about his farm and he knows that at what point of time the crops should be sown and when should be reaped. Thus he is educated. Therefore education is a wider term. In the current scenario is the emphasis given on education and learning, more than bookish knowledge? Ans: as we have discussed that introduction of technology in the educational structure has been done to make teaching and learning process easier and understandable. Thus books are a part of transcending education from teachers to students but it is only one medium and education is something beyond books. What are the benefits of education? Ans: the following are the benefits of education: Awareness is Supremacy. Education can only be achieved through the means of learning Educated person always get jobs with good pays Also not just a good pay it also helps individual to get paid over and above the minimum set criteria of salaries. Formal education AIMS OF EDUCATION The education is aimed at preparing students to have an excess to all kind of things in life. This will ensure well-rounded and balanced individuals. The following are the listed aims of education: To give off not well-read, but learning individuals Finding the hidden self Mounting intelligence furnishing it to compact with realism Making certain the complete growth, not definite development Fostering HU-MAN ethics and principles Providing an ideal blend of Moral Modification and Cerebral growth Most prominently, making people THINK Facilitators of knowledge through the medium of education and learning should work hard to create an education system that is beneficial for both the individuals and the society as a whole. AIMS OF EDUCATION: THE PRESENT SCENARIO Establishment of schools on the lines economic and social background (corporate schools for the rich, English Medium schools for the Middle class families and government schools for the people of lower standards). Linear thinking assuming that engineering an medicine courses are the ultimate. Disappearance of childhood rote memory replaces joyful learning. Exam oriented study. Schools have turned into agencies that provide guidance only for exams. Commercialization of Education. Disparity between aims and methodology. Vagueness on expectations and abilities. Assumption of confining education to classroom. Repulsion towards new methods. Lack of coordination between society, school and administration, not catering to the needs of the society. Development of passivity. No scope for the enrichment of cognitive resources of the child such as questioning, observation, inquisitiveness and expression. Diminishing of values, cooperation collaboration patience, self-confidence, discretion and rational thinking. Absence of human values, individual values and social values. Mechanization of the childs mind by the current education system. Focus only on enrollment. No stress on quality education. Inequality, lack of freedom, negligence and irresponsibility. Inferior training programmed, monotonous teaching training, training institutes and universities far away from the real world and lack of psychological element in education. School is just information centre and exam centre. Laborious Learning and intolerable schools. Dumping of monotonous syllabus into lower levels in the name of curriculum revision. Education promoting dependability, not self-confidence. Gulf between labor and intelligence. Children of the poor engaged in physical work whereas children of the rich capture power and administration. Teacher-centered classes and only text books provide true knowledge. Satisfying the officials and lack of decision making. Disbelief among the teachers, the management and the society. Lack of resources and lack of utilizing the resources available. Completing the syllabus in time is the ultimate goal. No idea of the aims and objectives of present education. Lack of awareness of the aims of education. The consequences of the present system. The role of the school, the teachers and the society. THE PROPOSED AIMS Education should provide foresight and proper guidance. Thoughtfulness and independent work with values. School should promote social awareness and human relations. Teacher as social volunteer. Professional and vocational trainings. There are already existing seven cardinal principles of education that explains that what we teach in schools but the current education aims at how we teach in schools Learn to use the information appropriately and in a proper sense. After learning try to develop your own concepts and present it in a innovative way so that what ever is learned is implied practically as well Every individual should have the capability to find solution to their problems and be able to analyze them. CONCLUSION: This research paper explains that through the medium of this research it contributes to the present knowledge. That is this paper mentions the historic information of the education how it started and who started. While reading this research one gets to know that what have been the changes in imparting education in olden days and in present days. There is a vast difference, today everyone is getting so many facilities when they are going for education but earlier the scenario was different as there was only one place that used to give free and compulsory education and no every could have afford that. But today there are endless number of place all across the world that provides education and that affordable. Thus we get to know the importance and purposes of the education through the medium of this research paper. STATEMENT OF ETHICAL RISK TO PARTICIPANTS: Ethical Character: the belief that schools should address issues of right or wrong and moral concerns. Recently, a national debate has arisen over the teaching of religion in schools and the proper role that schools should play in moral/ethical education.
Friday, September 20, 2019
What Influence The Media Have Over Education Policy Media Essay
What Influence The Media Have Over Education Policy Media Essay The media influences many areas of our lives sometimes without us even realizing that it is happening. Where else do we learn about the newest must have toy for Christmas, or the latest iphone. We see it and we immediately want it and cannot live without it. The same principal applies to the amount of influence media has over our schools and education policies. They shine a favorable light on someone who is running for the school board and instantly we think that person is the best candidate for the job. They do an investigative report on how money is being wasted at the expense of our kids and we are ready to march down to the administration building and demand they all resign. We grow up believing that everything we see and here in the media is the truth but the reality is that someone usually has an ax to grind and finds a way to get their view before the general public. This type of journalism has gotten so out of hand that Fox News uses the tagline fair and balanced in an effort to bring more views to their channel. I am left wondering why all channels and outlets are not reporting the news in a fair and balanced manner. There are two ways in which media, including the news media, popular culture, and entertainment sources, are commonly viewed as educational. In the first sense, people learn what to think and how to behave from media sources, viewing information on the news as matter of fact, or the characters on a televised sitcom as models for normal behavior, for example. Many find this view most compelling when considering medias impact on young children, whose understanding of the distinction between reality and fantasy is not set in stone. As an example, Schrag suggests that, lacking prior learning or experience with Middle Eastern culture, young children are bound to learn from Aladdin-a Walt Disney film marketed to young children that has sold tens of millions of copies-that Middle Eastern fruit sellers are commonly prone to violent rage upon discovering a single apple has been stolen from their cart. A similar view of media as unduly and directly influential to children was used in defense of twelve-year-old Lionel Tate, who was tried in 1991 for killing a six-year-old girl by body slamming her as he commonly observed contestants in World Federation of Wrestling do on television. (Jackson, 2010) The first policy is the right of freedom of speech. Public schools are the easiest to change though law and public policy when compared to parents, news media, campaigns, and communities. Schools can have a direct impact on students civic attitudes, knowledge, and habits. One of the most effective ways for them to teach citizenship is by promoting discussion of current issues, which is often based on items from the news media. There is even evidence that discussions of current issues in social studies classes can have indirect effects, enhancing family discussions of current events, which then increase both parents and students interest and knowledge. Educational programs that emphasize discussion of controversial issues have been found to increase students tolerance and use of the news media. By discussing these topics at school first then the student going home and talking about it to their parents it helps the student better understand the topic and the world around them. (Lopez, 2009) In 2005, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation released results from a major survey of more than 112,000 high school students in more than 500 public and private schools that was taken in 2004. The survey was called the Future of the First Amendment (FOFA). It focused on habits and attitudes relevant to the First Amendment and especially freedom of the press. Students were asked factual questions about the First Amendment. Questions such as, Is it legal to burn the American flag as a protest? They were also asked opinion question, Does the press have too much freedom? and Should newspapers be allowed to publish freely without government approval? Finally, they were asked questions about their use of various news media and participation in school media activities. (Lopez, 2009) This research is very disturbing. It implies that schools are not doing their part to teach the students about what rights they do have. Recently some groups tried taking away our freedom of speech by telling us that when we say the Pledge of Allegiance it is wrong to say one nation under God. Freedom of speech should protect everyone and one group does not have the right to tell another that the words they choose to say are no longer allowed. Another area where the media has had a positive impact on school policy involves underage smoking. Movies and TV commonly show the stars of the film smoking. This is because smoking is still accepted in everyday life even though there are so many anti-smoking campaigns. Libertarianism toward smoking still permeates the society sufficiently to make smoking by film stars tolerable and normal, if not also attractive and desirable, as long as they are not literally advertising cigarettes to minors. Some audience members respond critically to media messages implying that smoking is socially acceptable, while others are more favorable. Yet the commonality of smoking by protagonists in mainstream film, nonetheless, reveals that, according to mainstream producers information, smoking is not considered to be beyond the bounds of social norms; it is regarded normally as an expected, largely acceptable, behavior that need not require a critical response or prohibition on the big screen. (McCart hy, 1998) Most of the policies that schools are trying to enact are for the good of the students. They want to make sure that the students are healthy and safe while they are on school property. Media campaigns have been used to modify individual behavior in many issues such as AIDS, tobacco use, breastfeeding, physical activity, and milk consumption. Ads are used in newspaper articles or letters to the editor in order to influence policy change. In 2006, North Carolina launched a campaign that used mass media campaign to influence policy change. It became the first state to create a statewide mass media campaign to promote the adoption of and compliance with tobacco-free policies in schools (TFS). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as part of a comprehensive tobacco control program, calls for tobacco-free policies in schools to prevent youth tobacco use. (Summerlin-Long. S, 2009) The most effective tobacco-free policies that are enforced have shown there to be a significant reduction of youth tobacco use. These policies not only affect the students. It also affects school personnels use of tobacco and teaching of youth about tobacco. The most successful tobacco-free policy prohibits the use of tobacco products by anyone. No one is allowed to use tobacco on school grounds or at school events at any time. This includes school premises, school vehicles, and school events such as concerts and sporting events. At the time of the campaign launch, 78 of the 115 (67.8%) school districts in North Carolina had adopted comprehensive tobacco-free policies. The vast majority of these districts passed policies after school and community organizations funded by the North Carolina Health and Wellness Trust Fund (HWTF) specifically began to focus on this issue in 2003. As an innovative strategy for augmenting promotion of TFS policy adoption and compliance across the state, t he HWTF decided in 2005 to develop a statewide media campaign that would educate North Carolinians about TFS policies and encourage widespread support for such policies in local school districts. (Summerlin-Long. S, 2009) This was the first tobacco-free media campaign in the nation there and there was no evidence-based practice to base what ads worked best. Research was needed to help with the creation of the campaign aimed at changing policies. Researchers decided to speak with experts to learn more about messages to promote TFS policy. In February and March 2005, researchers conducted a total of 45 interviews with experts on TFS policy that were from within and outside North Carolina. The experts were from North Carolina and five other states. The people that were chosen for the interview were school district superintendents, Board of Education members, and school employees who included principals, teachers, and other staff. These people were chosen because they had the most power to influence policy and they were the adults most affected by local policy. There were twenty participants in twelve districts with TFS policies and in six districts without TFS policies participated in interviews. Two par ticipants were from organizations that worked across school districts. The research team also interviewed 9 state legislators to ensure the possibility of such a media campaign in a tobacco-growing state. The legislators included political parties, the Senate and the House, and a number of prominent members of the legislature who might wield influence on this issue. (Summerlin-Long. S, 2009) The survey tool asked interviewees about the best types of people to appear in ads. People were asked to think about which kinds of people would be most compelling in general.. They had to make the decision to decide whether a youth must appear in the personal testimonial of youth, and superintendents/school personnel would be best to relate the experiences of successful districts. They were also asked (1) what kinds of messages they believed would be most effective, (2) what kinds of messages might be seen as controversial, and (3) legislators comments on three of the most popular themes from the expert/stakeholder list. (Summerlin-Long. S, 2009) An ongoing problem in schools is bullying. In recent years the students are even bullied while they are on the internet away from the school setting. Schools are now using the media to help stop bullies and make sure that students are safe. Recent news in the national media about two students deaths as a result of harassment in school has highlighted a renewed desire for educators to address the culture of bullying and harassment in public schools, especially when the victims are targeted for their real or perceived differences. Some students are bullied and made fun of so much that they see the only way out is to commit suicide or leave the city that they are from. South Carolinas legislature responded to this need in June 2006 with the passage of the Safe School Climate Act. This statute was designed to limit and punish harassment, intimidation, or bullying among public school students, and it was required that school districts established policies to address this issue before Janu ary 1, 2007. However, failure to adequately implement the provision may provide an explanation as to why the Safe School Climate Act has failed to significantly change the culture of schools in South Carolina. South Carolinas legislative intentions provide a reference for similar legislation and policy changes nationwide. Current research shows that only quality staff development combined with ongoing, effective training in and education about any new policies will lead to its effective implementation. The complex causes of bullying and its impact on school culture continue to be debated by educational researchers, psychologists, and social theorists. (Terry, Blocking the Bullies: Has South Carolinas Safe School Climate Act Made Public Schools Safer?, 2010) Obviously legal remedies and punitive measures for bullies alone have not solved the problem. Will there ever be a time in history where students can be themselves and not worry about if someone is going to make fun of them or if they will ever be able to hang out with the cool kids? Hopefully through continued media attention to this problem changes will come about. Do you remember walking down the hallways in high school and suddenly having the security guard chase after you because they thought that your shorts where to short? By the time that I was a senior in high school is became a joke to us all. We learned that we could bend our arms a little bit and make it look like our shorts were long enough. In reality yes our shorts where to short but there was nothing that we could do about. My high school didnt have air conditioning so at times it got very hot and it was unbearable to wear pants. When we would go shopping for shorts they ones that would fit around our hips without falling off would be too short and it we bought them so that they were a little bit too big so the length was right then we would get into trouble because they would be falling off of us. It was such a dilemma. The dress code restriction didnt just stop on what length our shorts had to be. Students and teachers alike have always had restrictions on what is appropriate an d inappropriate dress. Virtually with no exception, schools have minimum dress codes in place: rules about what cannot be worn at school. Uniform policies state explicitly what must be worn in schools. (Gereluk, 2007) Halter-tops, tube-tops, one shoulder tops . . . muscle shirts, see-through or mesh tops (unless underneath a shirt) arent to be worn. Blouses, shirts or tops that reveal bare backs, midriffs, undergarments, or that have spaghetti straps or revealing necklines are not to be worn in Trents classes, hallways, class activities, or on field trips. (Raby, 2010) Does that sound familiar to you? I remember reading this in all my classes throughout my educational career. I always used to wonder why we had to have such a strict dress code. Now that I am older I have realized why. Dress code violations are distracting to others and they do not fit the desired image of a school, and disrespectful toward oneself and others. The details of dress codes do shift, however, as school administrators respond to trends in popular fashion. An example of this is reflected in rules banning midriff tops now making way for new concerns with girls revealà ing cleavage. Several American towns banning young me n from wearing low-slung pants that reveal their underwear. (Raby, 2010) Dress codes are not only for the students they are also for the staff in the school. Who wants to look at a teacher all day that is wearing sweat pants or a really low plunging neckline? I would be very angry. That is more distracting than if a student was wearing that outfit. In a 1901 document entitled Rules for Teachers, female educators were informed that they must wear at least two petticoats and that dresses must not be any shorter than two inches above the ankle. Male educators were informed that they shall wear a suit coat and suspenders. Additionally, teachers were admonished not to wear bright colors. (Kiracofe, 2010) As you can tell times have changed a lot. People do not dress like this anymore. Now modern school administers must decide if teachers are allowed to wear T-shirts with religious messages or other religious garb such as a turban or birkha. (Kiracofe, 2010) The question of whether or not media plays and helpful or harmful role in regards to the education system is not an easy on to answer. School safety has been improved following the events of past years that played out on every TV screen across America. They have reported on cyber bullying and the devastating consequences that such behavior can cause. Smoking has been banned from school property. On the other hand they have shown crazy games that have been being played among large groups of students. The latest one involves students on foot being chased by other students in cars. The object of the game is for the students on foot to make it to a predetermined location without getting caught. Shortly after this story was reported in the mainstream media there was an increase of traffic accidents due to even more students playing the game after hearing about it on the nightly news. The best we can hope for is that the good outweighs the bad and to try and teacher our children that just because the news anchor tells them something it doesnt necessarily mean that it is the truth etched in stone.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Comparing Perception in Blade Runner, Memento, Three Kings and American Beauty :: Movie Film Essays
Comparing Perception in Blade Runner, Memento, Three Kings and American Beauty Throughout this course, we have seen a number of films that are quite different. These films are diverse in their subject matter ranging from the drama of American Beauty, the political and action based nature of Three Kings, the science fictional social statements on technology presented by Blade Runner, to the fragmented and contemporary techniques of experimental Memento. However, I would argue that all of the above mentioned have been linked by an unsuspecting thread, and I am going to demonstrate what that thread is here. These films have been tied together by a theme, of which I have written in past analyses of some of these films, and I choose to bring that theme forward again. I do so because I believe that this particular notion is at the bottom and the most imperative in all of these stories. The notion, which I am referring to, is that the world is what we make of it; that bad things, and good things alike, happen to us, but our ultimate view of the world as a good or bad place is determined by our choice to perceive it as one or the other. Blade Runner portrays this ideology in the main representation of the replicants. When Deckard first meets Rachel, he says to Tyrell "She's a replicant, isn't she?" Tyrell responds by pointing out that "Rachel is an experiment. Nothing more." This makes us aware that Rachel is a replicant with memories and emotional response and is not aware of her true identity as a replicant but believes herself to be human. Her memories are implanted memories of Tyrell's niece. So Rachel believes her reality to be different from that of what Tyrell and Deckard know to be reality. Whether their reality is truer than Rachel's reality is a point of debate. This relative reality changes for Deckard as he becomes emotionally attached to Rachel and then romantically involved with her. Towards the end, Deckard does not see Rachel as a replicant any longer, even after she learns the truth. More generally, however, Blade Runner presents a world of deterioration. It is a time when most of humanity has left the earth in order to colonize other planets, and all natural life is virtually extinct. It is a world plagued by acid rain, genetically engineered plants, animals, and replicants of course.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Teen Workers Essay -- essays research papers
Teen Workers Fifteen years old and working seems to be becoming a norm and in fact there are many teenagers younger than fifteen who are already working at paying jobs. Some of these students are as young as 12 years old. More than half of the secondary school students have paying jobs. This number grows each grade level the student goes up. The number of hours also rises along with the grade level. The kind of job varies depending on the sex of the child. Boys tend to deliver newspapers and girls tend to babysit. As the teens grow older the job interest change with teenage girls turning to restaurants and retail outlets, while the boys will work in the family business , restaurants and other food related businesses. The hours that the kids have to chose from are usually form 6a.m. to 8a.m delivering newspapers and 8p.m to 6a.m. for babysitting. Most other jobs are scheduled 3pm till 10pm during the week while weekend jobs tend to have schedules of 7 to 8 hours per day. The Higher Education Board says that working more than 15 hours a week is bad for the academic career . As the work hours increase the study time decreases. Current research finds that a work schedule of 10 hours or less seems to be the best and for most teenagers a schedule of 10 hours does not effect their academic performance, in negative ways but in fact seems to help them do better in school shown by improved grades. Those teens working 10 to 15 hours per week are in a toss up situation with some doing... Teen Workers Essay -- essays research papers Teen Workers Fifteen years old and working seems to be becoming a norm and in fact there are many teenagers younger than fifteen who are already working at paying jobs. Some of these students are as young as 12 years old. More than half of the secondary school students have paying jobs. This number grows each grade level the student goes up. The number of hours also rises along with the grade level. The kind of job varies depending on the sex of the child. Boys tend to deliver newspapers and girls tend to babysit. As the teens grow older the job interest change with teenage girls turning to restaurants and retail outlets, while the boys will work in the family business , restaurants and other food related businesses. The hours that the kids have to chose from are usually form 6a.m. to 8a.m delivering newspapers and 8p.m to 6a.m. for babysitting. Most other jobs are scheduled 3pm till 10pm during the week while weekend jobs tend to have schedules of 7 to 8 hours per day. The Higher Education Board says that working more than 15 hours a week is bad for the academic career . As the work hours increase the study time decreases. Current research finds that a work schedule of 10 hours or less seems to be the best and for most teenagers a schedule of 10 hours does not effect their academic performance, in negative ways but in fact seems to help them do better in school shown by improved grades. Those teens working 10 to 15 hours per week are in a toss up situation with some doing...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The City Planners and the Planners Comparison
In the poems ââ¬ËThe City Plannersââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËThe Planners,ââ¬â¢ how do the poets create an effect of disillusionment and discomfort? In the poems ââ¬ËThe City Plannersââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËThe Planners,ââ¬â¢ the poets create an effect of disillusionment and discomfort through the purpose and scenario and through their use of imagery and diction. The Poets create disillusionment and discomfort through the purpose and scenario. In ââ¬ËThe Planners,ââ¬â¢ the poem talks about how ââ¬ËThey,ââ¬â¢ the planners, have total control over the city and that nothing stands in their way in the first stanza.The poem then goes on to compare what the planners do, to dentistry by saying that the planners erase the flaws and that all gaps are plugged in the second stanza. In the final stanza the poem talks about how the speaker canââ¬â¢t write poetry anymore and that the people today should still remember the past and plan for the future. The purpose of the poem is the speaker thinks the planner are trying to make everything perfect but it isnââ¬â¢t necessary and that the planners are also too controlling.In the poem ââ¬ËThe City Planners,ââ¬â¢ how the suburbs are so perfect in the first stanza and then say that the suburbs arenââ¬â¢t really as perfect as they seem and they are just hiding behind a mask of perfection in the second stanza. In the final four stanzas the speakers talks about how people are hiding who they really are from the world. The purpose of this poem is that the city planners try and create their idea of perfection which doesnââ¬â¢t really exist. This is similar to ââ¬ËThe Plannersââ¬â¢ because both poems are saying that the planners are trying to create perfection and then fail without realising it.This is one way the poet creates disillusionment and discomfort. The poets also create disillusionment and discomfort through the use of imagery. In the second stanza of ââ¬ËThe City Planners,ââ¬â¢ the li ne ââ¬Ëeven the too-fixed stare of the wide windows,ââ¬â¢ shows that the houses stare at things or people and can create discomfort for people because it is like a person staring at someone without realising it and the person being stared at can feel discomforted.In the third stanza the lines ââ¬Ëthe landscape behind or under the future cracks in the plaster,ââ¬â¢ makes the reader realise that the perfection they live in could just be an illusion and this helps them get rid of the illusion. The line ââ¬Ëconcealed from each other, each in his own private blizzard,ââ¬â¢ shows that the city planners donââ¬â¢t even look at each otherââ¬â¢s work to learn from their mistakes which can create discomfort for the reader because mistakes that have happened before could happen where the live.In the poem ââ¬ËThe Planner,ââ¬â¢ the lines ââ¬ËEven the sea draws back and the skies surrender,ââ¬â¢ creates discomfort even nature is scared to get in the way of the p lanners and shows the reader that the planners are destroying nature and that if the planners continue to do what they do then soon there will be hardly any nature or no nature left. The line ââ¬Ëuseless blacks with dental dexterity,ââ¬â¢ is comparing cities to going to the dentist.It is saying that people go to the dentist to make their teeth perfect but it isnââ¬â¢t needed to survive and that it is the same thing with making the cities look perfect; the planners do it but itââ¬â¢s not needed, this creates discomfort because going to the dentist is not normally a place people like to go. The poems create discomfort in different ways because ââ¬ËThe City Plannersââ¬â¢ creates it through the reader thinking they are living in an illusion but the ââ¬ËThe Plannersââ¬â¢ create discomfort through dentist metaphors.The poets create disillusionment and discomfort through the use of diction. In the poem ââ¬ËThe Planners,ââ¬â¢ the poet uses the words ââ¬Ëgrid ded,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëpermutations of possibilities,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëalignment,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëdesired points,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëlinked,ââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëmathematicsââ¬â¢ to create discomfort. These words are all to do with maths and makes people feel discomforted because the reader can feel like they are back at school.The words ââ¬Ëerase the flaws,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëblemishes,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëblocks,ââ¬â¢ dental dexterity,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëgaps are plugged,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëcountry wears perfect rows,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëshining teeth,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëanaesthesia,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëpiling,ââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëdrillingââ¬â¢ are all to do with dentistry and can create discomfort because people often donââ¬â¢t like going to the dentist. In the poem ââ¬ËThe City Plannersââ¬â¢ the poet uses the words ââ¬Ëoffends usââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëdent in our car,ââ¬â¢ which shows that it is from the speakers point of view and shows that they are discomforted because they donââ¬â¢t fit in.Th e words ââ¬Ëhysteria,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëavoidance,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëspilled oil a faint,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëbrick surprising as a bruise,ââ¬â¢ ââ¬Ëviciousââ¬â¢ and ââ¬Ëtoo fixed stare of the side windowsââ¬â¢ create discomfort because they are words to do with imperfection and these words make the reader realise that the suburbs arenââ¬â¢t as perfect as they seem. Both poems make the reader feel discomforted by using words that scare them or make feel uncomfortable. The three ways the poets of ââ¬ËThe City Plannersââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËThe Plannersââ¬â¢ create disillusionment and discomfort is through scenario and purpose, imagery and diction.
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