Saturday, May 16, 2020

New Adventure And Excitement Of A City Girl - 860 Words

I can remember the day like its was just yesterday. The sun shinning was like a golden light of a summer evening, the skies were clear and blue as the oceans, the air was cool and soothing, there was fresh tree and grass smells, animals making noise, just lots of peace and relaxation going on. So much love from one another in a family after not seeing each other in many years was just beyond amazing. New adventure and excitement ready to begin. A city girl in the country this should be exciting and interesting. Not in a millions years would I have imagined going back to the country I was born in and having it feel like home when all I knew for a home was America. It felt like I never left. What a great feeling to feel after worrying about not fitting in and not liking it since I was so use to something different. I was filled with great joy but still worried about if I can last the whole vacation period. I was going to make the best of this vacation and enjoy everything, learn new th ings, and just explore a whole new land that was filled with adventure. Whenever I did explore the country I did get strange looks from others and sometimes questions because apparently I looked foreign. â€Å"Oh sweetie where are you from?† â€Å"Do†¦. you†¦. speak†¦Bosnian†¦can†¦you†¦. understand†¦me?† I honestly found it very funny that people asked those question and that some looked at me as if I was foreign. At certain times I would act silly and act like I didn’t understand them and even spoke EnglishShow MoreRelatedMy Position As A Greenspace Director924 Words   |  4 Pageswould often give her â€Å"quizzes† and help her learn new vocabulary words. As I grew older, teaching came naturally to me; teaching swimming and arts and crafts to summer campers, snowboarding to 7th graders, and most recently, how to grow an amazingly delicious tomato to fellow veggie lovers and school kids. 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